Supermarket trolleys are dirty!
Viruses and bacteria remain active from 48 hours on plastic to 72 hours on steel
Every day around eight million Italians enter supermarkets
Hygienic Cart, the first sanitised shopping trolleys and baskets in Italy, the only one with an electronically managed security system.
The only one with a locking system that guarantees complete trolley sanitisation
Sanitisation (tested and certified) on any type of trolley in 5 seconds.

Sanitization for cart Luggage and Trolleys

Sanitization for cart Luggage and Trolleys
Sanitization for cart Luggage and Trolleys

Would you like to know the customised purchase or rental options?

From Italia Uno

Watch now Matteo Viviani's interview from 'Le Iene Show' where he talks about Hygienic Cart and how important it is, now more than ever, to sanitise the shopping trolley

Sanitization for cart Luggage and Trolleys


Shopping trolleys are rarely sanitised, making them among the most insidious carriers of germs

As of January 2020, due to the well-known tragic events, the priority is undoubtedly the protection of public health and hygiene.

First in Italy

We produce, with its unique features, Hygienic Cart, patented in 2013, further perfected in 2021.

Hygiene in 5 seconds

The time it takes to insert the trolley or basket, switch to the other side and collect it completely sanitised.

24-hour Customer Service

An extensive network of our technicians allows for timely interventions.

What we offer

With HygienicCart, you don't have to worry about whether your trolley is clean or not.

You can put your purchases in it with peace of mind - we take care of the rest!

Sanitization for cart Luggage and Trolleys
Hygienic srl

At the heart of Hygienic's philosophy is the protection of the health of users and workers, in shops, supermarkets, hotels, stations, ports, airports, hospitals, wherever there is an entrance there is a Hygienic machine created to guarantee serenity.

All our products respond to the rightful need of every individual to enter and stay trustworthy in a safe environment because:

"Trust begins at the entrance!"

News about us
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